杂志期刊 建筑家居
[澳大利亚版]interior design review(inside) 室内设计杂志 2014年1-2月刊旬刊


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The premier professional journal for today’s interior architects and designers in Australia, presenting the latest in cutting-edge interior projects and insightful discussions addressing the industry’s most relevant topics to date. For the sophisticated and innovative designer, (inside) chronicles the ongoing conversation of design, both globally and locally, and the creative prowess that drives it forward.


    [中国版]Architectural Digest 安邸AD 2014年1月刊
    卷首语——时间   两次路过UCCA尤伦斯《提诺•赛格尔TinoSehgal》的展览,门口总有人排队。这次咬咬牙,还是给看了吧,国外看展览不也老排队吗?心里还偷偷安慰着自己。
    [香港版]Hinge 建筑杂志 2014年2-3月刊
    Hinge is the monthly professional publication spanning the fields of architecture and interior design. Established in 1993, the founding concept of hinge magazine was to provide a strong focus for design with an attitude that was distinctly international. Our stories meet the expectations of today’s professional designers – newsy, dynamic and stimulating but the focus will always be directed towords design.
    [英国版]Homes & Antiques 进口家居软装饰杂志 2014年2月刊
    [加拿大版]Style at Home 家庭装饰与生活类杂志 2014年3月刊
    《Style at home》是加拿大家庭装饰与生活类杂志,它出版有关室内设计的文章,家庭装饰工程,室外生活和娱乐, 杂志带给我们令人兴奋而又时尚的的流行于世界的家庭装饰,也会为你的装修带来不同的方案 各种户型的装修方案,当然Style at home也会介绍家具、电器、卫浴厨房用品等等。
    [美国版]Design New England 室内软装家居设计杂志 2014年3-4月刊
    Design New England’s focus on design professionals provides the connection readers need to make their dreams a reality. This elegant oversized magazine is filled with lush color photography, expert design advice, and insightful interviews with the area’s most talented design professionals.
    [美国版]K+BB 厨卫权威杂志 2014年1月刊

