杂志期刊 自然科学
[英国版]BBC History 历史杂志 2014年6月刊月刊

BBC History Magazine aims to shed new light on the past to help you make more sense of the world today. Fascinating stories from contributors are the leading experts in……

BBC History Magazine aims to shed new light on the past to help you make more sense of the world today. Fascinating stories from contributors are the leading experts in their fields, so whether they're exploring Ancient Egypt, Tudor England or the Second World War, you'll be reading the latest, most thought-provoking historical research...


    [美国版]Science 原版科学杂志 2014年6月刊N20
    《科学》杂志属于综合性科学杂志,它的科学新闻报道、综述、分析、书评等部分,都是权威的科普资料,该杂志也适合一般读者阅读。”发展科学,服务社会”是AAAS也是《科学》杂志的宗旨。于1880年由爱迪生投资1万美元创办,于1894年成为美国最大的科学团体“美国科学促进会”——American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)的官方刊物。全年共51期,为周刊,全球发行量超过150万份。
    [英国版]BBC Wildlife 野生动物杂志 2014年4月刊
    BBC Wildlife Magazine is a celebration of the natural world, featuring all the latest discoveries, news and views on wildlife, conservation and environmental issues.
    [美国版]Discover 发现科普杂志 2014年1-2月刊
    [英国版]BBC Focus 聚焦杂志 2014年7月刊
    Focus is the BBC’s science and technology monthly magazine. Jargon-free and accessible, you don’t need a PhD in particle physics to enjoy reading it. All you need is a quizzical mind that wants to understand the world around you
    [英国版]New Scientist 新科学家 2014年6月刊N21
    世界第一的科学/科技新闻杂志。在英国,每一个学校的Science系必须具备的杂志,里面介绍了许多高端的科学项目,比如BioPhysics的离子加速器,BioChemistry 的基因工程等。书中还宣传许多科技活动,比如专家公开演讲等。主要阅读者是在英国就读A level-science课程和大学Science的学生和导师。
    [英国版]Airfix Model World 航空模型世界杂志 2014年6月刊
    Airfix Model World is your complete guide to the world of scale modelling. Published monthly, it caters for all manner of modellers, from the eager novice to the experienced master modeller.

