杂志期刊 建筑家居
[英国版]Architects Datafile 建筑数据杂志 2014年5月刊月刊

Architects Datafile magazine is changing MORE NEWS, MORE PROJECTS AND ALWAYS FREE to you the Architect.

Architects Datafile magazine is changing MORE NEWS, MORE PROJECTS AND ALWAYS FREE to you the Architect.


    [加拿大版]Canadian Architect 建筑杂志 2014年2月刊
    Canadian Architect is a magazine for architects and related professionals practicing in Canada. Canada’s only monthly design publication, Canadian Architect has been in continuous publication since 1955.
    [英国版]Beautiful Kitchens 家居厨房设计装饰杂志 2014年1月刊
    [美国版]Environmental Design + Construction 国际建筑环境设计杂志 2014年5月刊
    ED+C Magazine the premier source for integrated high-performance building, is dedicated to efficient and sustainable design and construction.
    [法国版]Architectural Digest 建筑辑要 2014年2-3月刊
    《Architectural Digest》是一本有关室内设计与建筑的国际性杂志,深受建筑师与设计师的喜爱。每期均介绍世界各地具有当地特殊风味之建筑;名建筑大师之杰作;偶尔还可以看到屏幕上大明星的住家或别墅。更有出自名室内设计师所设计之不同风格的室内装潢。以客观的评鉴角度来提供最新的建筑风,精确地勾点出时代建筑的风尚与潮流,让您一窥时下最精巧、最前卫的设计风范。
    [英国版]The World of Interiors 世界室内设计杂志 2014年1月刊
    [韩国版]Space 建筑空间杂志 2014年4月刊N557
    Space is a specialized architectural monthly which was first published in 1966 and has been at the vanguard of covering the arts and culture scene here in Korea ever since.

