杂志期刊 建筑家居
[英国版]Utopia Kitchen & Bathroom 厨房卫浴设计杂志 2014年4月刊月刊

Utopia Kitchen & Bathroom is a national monthly consumer title showcasing luxurious kitchen and bathroom designs. Be the first to discover the luxurious world of th……

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Utopia Kitchen & Bathroom is a national monthly consumer title showcasing luxurious kitchen and bathroom designs. Be the first to discover the luxurious world of the latest kitchens and bathrooms by becoming a subscriber to Utopia Kitchen & Bathroom Magazine. Brimming with innovative interior products and accessories, Utopia has all the inspiration you need to create the perfect cooking and dining or bathing space. Each month, Utopia magazine delivers behind-the-scenes stories of real makeovers from across the country, topical reads on the latest trends, and helpful advice from industry experts. You will also find the most recent designer collections and hot-off-the-press news and products.


    [英文版]Detail 建筑细部杂志 2014年5-6月刊
    《建筑细部》DETAIL是一本专注于介绍建筑细节构造设计的专业杂志,作为欧洲建筑与工程细部方面最成功的专业杂志,DETAIL在国际上以德、汉、 英、法、意、西文发行,网络覆盖欧、美、亚等洲。
    [日本版]新建筑 住宅特集 Jutakutokushu 2014年1月刊
    [美国版]This Old House 老房子 室内装修设计参考杂志 2014年1-2月刊
    [法国版]Architectural Digest 建筑辑要 2014年2-3月刊
    《Architectural Digest》是一本有关室内设计与建筑的国际性杂志,深受建筑师与设计师的喜爱。每期均介绍世界各地具有当地特殊风味之建筑;名建筑大师之杰作;偶尔还可以看到屏幕上大明星的住家或别墅。更有出自名室内设计师所设计之不同风格的室内装潢。以客观的评鉴角度来提供最新的建筑风,精确地勾点出时代建筑的风尚与潮流,让您一窥时下最精巧、最前卫的设计风范。
    [英国版]Living Etc 现代细节生活杂志 2014年3月刊
    Living etc(中文名:现代细节生活),是英国销量最好的时尚家居杂志。 Livingetc, Britain’s best-selling modern homes magazine, is the premium glossy magazine for the design-conscious homeowner. Smart and stylish, it’s the only homes title successfully to bridge the gap between fashion and interiors. Livingetc is the trusted, credible voice of relaxed modern living.

