杂志期刊 建筑家居
[英国版]FX 商业空间设计杂志 2014年3月刊月刊

  • 语言英语
  • 大小38.8MB
  • 格式PDF

FX, the business of design. Over the past two decades it has become the market leader in worldwide contract interior design. FX reaches the most influential specifiers in the commercial contract interior market. FX includes all sectors of the contract industry in each issue to make it both invaluable to all designers as well as a compulsive read. Each issue is packed with opinion, colour and controversy from the leading practices and suppliers across all sectors of interior design including hotel, commercial, leisure, retail, healthcare and education.


    [中国版]Architectural Digest 安邸AD 2014年5月刊
    [台湾版]Interior 室内设计杂志 2014年2月刊
    [巴西版]Arquitetura & Urbanismo 建筑设计及装饰杂志 2014年3月刊
    aU – Arquitetura & Urbanismo OK Caso você n o visualize a anima o corretamente, clique aqui para fazer o download do plugin do Flash.
    [英国版]Country Living 欧美田园风格家居时尚杂志 2014年6月刊
    Country Living,中文叫乡村生活,是著名的家居装饰生活综合杂志,风格田园,乡村,美国式,清新,全彩图,图片多。杂志的读者是欣赏美国家庭和传统的家庭生活,无论他们生活在哪里,1978年首次兴起了“乡村风格”的装修装饰,收集和娱乐
    [英国版]Architects Datafile 建筑数据杂志 2014年5月刊
    Architects Datafile magazine is changing MORE NEWS, MORE PROJECTS AND ALWAYS FREE to you the Architect.

