杂志期刊 建筑家居
[美国版]Residential Lighting 最畅销灯光照明设施杂志 2014年1月刊月刊


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  • 大小60.2MB
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As technology continues to evolve at the speed of light, count on Residential Lighting for an enlightened perspective on the issues that matter most. Our articles dig deep into the science of illumination while our editors cover the latest industry trends.


    [香港版]Hinge 建筑杂志 2014年2-3月刊
    Hinge is the monthly professional publication spanning the fields of architecture and interior design. Established in 1993, the founding concept of hinge magazine was to provide a strong focus for design with an attitude that was distinctly international. Our stories meet the expectations of today’s professional designers – newsy, dynamic and stimulating but the focus will always be directed towords design.
    [美国版]ELLE Decor 时尚家居杂志 2014年3月刊
    一本为准确知道自己想要什么的新生代专业设计师和用户准备的时尚家具杂志,ELLE Decor里面时尚、充满灵感的作品将把时尚风格带到您家里的每个房间。elle装饰的编辑带来的挑衅年轻人才以及设计传奇仍然让您惊讶,认为古董并肩现代产品灵感可以完美的融合在一起,在全球各地。
    [英国版]The World of Interiors 世界室内设计杂志 2014年1月刊
    [西班牙版]On Diseno 建筑室内综合艺术设计杂志 N342
    Architecture, Interior Design, Art, Industrial design and Graphics. Founded in 1979, this independent professional magazine has become a reference and an indispensable tool for all architecture and design professionals.
    [美国版]Design New England 室内软装家居设计杂志 2014年3-4月刊
    Design New England’s focus on design professionals provides the connection readers need to make their dreams a reality. This elegant oversized magazine is filled with lush color photography, expert design advice, and insightful interviews with the area’s most talented design professionals.
    [美国版]Architectural Record 建筑实录 2014年5月刊
    美国著名建筑杂志 Architectural Record (建筑实录),由McGraw-Hill Construction(麦格劳希尔建筑信息公司)出版,月刊。提 供全球建筑业确实有用的信息,是专为建筑师而设计;内容包括建筑科技、新闻、重要讯息的研讨,如何设计并表现出完美的建筑风格标准等等。

